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在媒材表現上,展覽呈現出豐富的層次。李重重以其標誌性的水墨語言,創造出流動的當代山水意境;于彭則在傳統筆墨中注入現代精神,展現深厚的道家思想。原民藝術家武玉玲(Aluaiy Kaumakan)的編織裝置作品別具特色,她將排灣族傳統工藝轉化為當代藝術語言,訴說著族群記憶與女性觀點。而吳耿禎的紙藝創作,則展現了傳統媒材在當代語境下的獨特魅力。



■尊榮貴賓預展時間 Super VIP Preview

2024年10月24日(四) 12:00-21:00

■開幕之夜 Vernissage

2024年10月24日(四) 18:00-21:00

■貴賓預展時間 VIP Preview

2024年10月24日(四) 15:00-21:00
2024年10月25日(五) 11:00-14:00

■公眾展覽日期 Public View

2024年10月25日(五) 14:00-19:00
2024年10月26日(六) 11:00-19:00
2024年10月27日(日) 11:00-19:00
2024年10月28日(ㄧ) 11:00-18:00

■地點 Venue

・主展位E03 陳澄波 蕭勤 李重重 于彭 張乾琦 武玉玲 吳耿禎 王建文 羅喬綾 黃頤勝 李承道 嚴靖傑 許家維 周代焌 陳普

・公共藝術 PA-1 武玉玲

・瑞士寶盛 S01 吳耿禎

・友達光電 S06 陳普 林經堯 王新仁


2024 ART TAIPEI Press Release

2024 ART TAIPEI-Liang Gallery Presents Group Exhibition of Fifteen Artists, Showcasing Art’s Diversity and Contemporary Value
At the 2024 Art Taipei, Liang Gallery presents “Stitches of Time," bringing together artistic excellence spanning a century. Here, tradition and innovation interweave, seeking breakthroughs in continuity and exploring innovation through dialogue.

The exhibition space flows naturally between different artistic vocabularies. Modern art master Chen Cheng-po’s works depict Taiwan’s landscapes with delicate brushstrokes, his unique language of light and shadow and realistic style conveying deep emotions for this land. Meanwhile, abstract art pioneer Hsiao Chin’s works demonstrate his unique vision of merging Eastern and Western aesthetics, exploring spiritual contemplation through pure form and color.

In narrative imagery, the exhibition presents important works by two internationally renowned artists: Hsu Chia-Wei, who recently won the 10th Eye Art & Film Prize, and Chien-Chi Chang, the first Taiwanese full member of Magnum Photos. Both artists deeply explore humanitarian issues and identity in the era of globalization through visual media. Hsu Chia-Wei combines contemporary art and cinematic language to uncover alternative perspectives outside official historical narratives. As one of the nominees for the 2025 Sigg Prize, his work continues to receive international attention. Chien-Chi Chang documents and reflects the existence of marginalized groups through his unique photographic perspective, giving voice to overlooked realities and revealing social structures.

The exhibition presents rich layers in material expression. Lee Chung-Chung creates flowing contemporary landscapes with her signature ink language, while Yu Peng infuses modern spirit into traditional brushwork, displaying profound Taoist thought. Indigenous artist Aluaiy Kaumakan’s woven installations are distinctive, transforming traditional Paiwan crafts into contemporary artistic language to tell stories of tribal memory and female perspectives. Jam Wu’s paper art demonstrates the unique charm of traditional media in contemporary contexts.

Contemporary artistic dialogue continues throughout the exhibition space. Leo Wang responds to environmental and social issues through abstract visual vocabulary, with impressive flowing light and atmospheric imagery. LO Chiao-Ling and Huang Yi-Sheng depict contemporary life scenes from fresh perspectives, showing young generations’ unique observations. The exhibition also includes works by Lee Chen-Dao, Yen Ching-Chieh, Chou Tai-Chun, and Chen Pu, injecting more contemporary vitality.

“Stitches of Time" demonstrates the natural flow between traditional and contemporary artistic creation. At this moment when the global art market towards Asian art, this exhibition aims to highlight Taiwan art’s cultural foundation and innovative vitality in both inheriting tradition and pioneering the future. Additionally, Liang Gallery will present artist Aluaiy Kaumakan’s large-scale work in the Public Art section (booth PA-1) and showcase works by Jam WU, Chen Pu, Lin Jing-yao, and Aluan Wang in the Julius Baer and AUO FindARTs section (booth S01/S06).


■Super VIP Preview

24 October (Thu.) 12:00-21:00


24 October (Thu.) 18:00-21:00

■VIP Preview

24 October (Thu.) 15:00-21:00
25 October (Fri.) 11:00-14:00

■Public View

25 October (Fri.) 14:00-19:00
26 October (Sat.) 11:00-19:00
27 October (Sun.) 11:00-19:00
28 October (Mon.) 11:00-18:00

Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1
NO.5, Hsin-Yi Rd., Sec 5, Taipei, Taiwan, 11011, R.O.C

・E03 Liang Gallery|Chen Cheng-po, Hsiao Chin, Lee Chung-Chung, Yu Peng, Chien-Chi Chang, Aluaiy Kaumakan, Jam Wu, Leo Wang,
LO Chiao-Ling, Huang Yi-Sheng, Lee Chen-Dao, Yen Ching-Chieh, Hsu Chia-Wei, Chou Tai-Chun, and Chen Pu

・PA-1 Public Art |Aluaiy Kaumakan

・S01 Julius Baer|Jam Wu

・S06 AUO FindARTs|Chen Pu, Lin Jing-yao, and Aluan Wang

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