CHIANG Kai-Chun was born in Hualien, Taiwan in 1983. He held a BFA degree from Taipei National University of the Arts and a MFA degree from École Nationale Supérieure d’Art Paris-Cergy, France in 2013. He also received a postgraduate diploma with distinction (Mention de Félicitation) in 2015 from Le Fresnoy – Studio national des Arts Contemporains in France.


He learned mosaic in both Paris and Jordan. His works were exhibited at Taipei Fine Arts Museum, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Hong-gah Museum, Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine (The French Monuments Museum in Paris), Le Fresnoy Art Centre and Today Art Museum, Beijing and so on. Awards and grants received include: Tokyo Residency Artist Grant from The Department of Culture Affairs, Taipei City Government; New York Residency Artist Grant from The Ministry of Culture. Chiang’s art is collected by the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts under the museum’s Young Artist Collection Program, the Foundation Louis Vuitton, Cloud Gate’s The Wanderer Project.

2019 Ph.D. candidate, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
2015 Le Fresnoy, Studio National des arts contemporains, France
2013 École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts de Paris – Cergy, France
2007 Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan


“Art Solo 2023”, EXPO Dome, Taipei Expo Park, Liang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

“Fragmentation of Historical Perspectives”, Taipei Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan

2016 “Third Person Traveler”, Kuan-Du Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan
2017 Artist in Residency, Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS), Japan
2016 Residency Unlimited Brooklyn, New York, USA

Flux Factory, New York, USA

2015 Résidence Composition, Poitiers film Festival, Poitiers, France
2012 Cloud Gate Dance Foundation, Artist Traveling Program-Middle-East
“Animatou”, International Animation Film Festival, Geneva, Switzerland

“Panorama 16, Solus Locus”, Le Fresnoy, Studio national, France

C(air)n, Frédéric Moisan gallery, Taipei Cultural Center in Paris, France

“Panorama 17”, Techniquement Douce, Le Fresnoy, France

“Glasgow International Short Film Festival”, Glasgow, United Kingdom

“FIPA, International Audiovisuel Programmes Festival”, Biarritz, France

“Interpreting Brooklyn” Dual exhibition, El Museo de Los Sures, New York, USA

“Flux Factory”, Chiang Kai-chun Solo retrospective projection, New York, USA

“Ma Samaritaine”, group exhibition, la Samaritaine, Paris, France

“Taipei Biennale”, Gestures and Archives of the Present, Genealogies of the Future, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan

“Panoramiques, 3 ans de création au Fresnoy”, Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, Paris, France

“Tobacco, Carpet”, Lunch Box, Textile Machinery and Cave Men: the narratives of craftsmanship and technologies in contemporary art, Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan

“Taipei Art Awards”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan

“Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS)”, Artist Open studio & Film projection, Tokyo, Japan

“Invisible Cities- Moving Images from Asia”, Dallas Contemporary, Texas, USA

“Cycle Là où va le cinéma”, MK2 Beaubourg, Paris, France

“Chiang Kai-Chun & Patrick Muller Dual Exhibition”, Taipei Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan
“Asian Art Biennial”, The Strangers from beyond the Mountain and the Sea, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan

“Dualities—Designer Sophie Hong”, AUP Fine Arts gallery, the American University of Paris, Paris, France

“Taipei Fashion Week”, Artist show, Taipei 101, Taipei, Taiwan

“Taipei Fashion Week”, Art Taipei, Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan

“The Art Era- Taoyuan Artists Invitational Exhibition”, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taoyuan, Taiwan

“Taoyuan Artists Invitational Exhibition”, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taoyuan, Taoyuan, Taiwan

“Austronesian International Arts Award 2022”, Taitung Art Museum, Taitung, Taiwan

“2022 Hualien Art Exhibition”, Culture Affairs Bureau, Hualien, Hualien Cultural & Creative Industries Park, Hualien, Taiwan

“ART TAIPEI 2022”, World Trade Center, Taipei, Taiwan

“Messengers: TAV×TOKAS 15th Anniversary Commemorative Exhibition, Taipei Artist Village, Taipei, Taiwan

“The Polyhedron of Hakka Contemporary Art Narrative”, National United University, Art Bank, National United University Art Center, Miaoli, Taiwan

“Art Taipei 2023”, World Trade Center, Liang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

“Art Tainan 2024”, Silks Place Tainan, Liang Gallery, Tainan, Taiwan

“Memories Retold”, Liang Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan




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